Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Cloud Design Patterns

API Gateway

(Forward)Proxy vs Reverse Proxy
(Forward)Proxy vs Reverse Proxy
Requests Going Out Via Proxy  -> Forward Proxy
Requests Coming In Via Proxy  -> Reverse Proxy
Reverse Proxy - Use cases : Security, Load Balancer , Caching 
Forward Proxy - Corporate Control, Logging, Monitoring, Cached Responses

API Gateway
Edge Microservice -> Sits at the edge of Microservice Architecture, Very close to user input.
Edge Microservice is also known as API Gateway.
"Zuul" is an implementation of API Gateway.
API Gateway - is a Facade/Abstraction Layer at the very edge of Microservices Architecture , 
which handles incoming Requests

Eureka - "Found it" in Ancient Greek
Archimedes said it!!!
Eureka is a Registry and LookUp Service which allows Microservice to know each other

Fault Tolerant Library from Netflix which Implements "Circuit - Breaker" Pattern
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How to configure SpringCloud Zuul – Routing and Filtering using SpringBoot | Java Techie

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