Showing posts with label EAP7.3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EAP7.3. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2021

HTTP API - EAP7.3 - Deployment using HTTP Curl

7.5.1. Deploy an Application to a Standalone Server Using the HTTP API

By default, the HTTP API is accessible at http://HOST:PORT/management, for example, http://localhost:9990/management.
Deploy an Application
$ curl --digest -L -D - http://HOST:PORT/management --header "Content-Type: application/json" -u USER:PASSWORD -d '{"operation" : "composite", "address" : [], "steps" : [{"operation" : "add", "address" : {"deployment" : "test-application.war"}, "content" : [{"url" : "file:/path/to/test-application.war"}]},{"operation" : "deploy", "address" : {"deployment" : "test-application.war"}}],"json.pretty":1}'
Undeploy an Application
$ curl --digest -L -D - http://HOST:PORT/management --header "Content-Type: application/json" -u USER:PASSWORD -d '{"operation" : "composite", "address" : [], "steps" : [{"operation" : "undeploy", "address" : {"deployment" : "test-application.war"}},{"operation" : "remove", "address" : {"deployment" : "test-application.war"}}],"json.pretty":1}'

Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage