Thursday, March 11, 2021

API Gateway, Zuul

An API gateway is a vital component in any microservice architecture. - An Edge Service
1 Microservice acts as a Gateway for rest of microservices

API Gateway is an abstraction layer - a FACADE
If We have microservices URL and those URLs are directly used by Client UI Developers
it would create issues later if we would like to change them in future.
So, We can have a FACADE Layer which would abstract real URLS

This can be achieved by Using API Gateway - A kind of Edge Service
Netflix has an open source library for this purpose called "Zuul"

API Composition - Making 1 Microservice out of many other
Single Point of Entry
Monitoring System for Requests/Responses

External Contract  ----------> Zuul Gateway ------> Internal Rest API
  • Monitoring 
  • Authentication

Disadvantages & Mitigation Steps
  • Little bit Slow - 1 Additional Network Hop 
  • Single Point of Failure - You need to have multiple redundant Zuul Gateway  to overcome it
  • Backend for Frontend - Different Backend for Android, Apple, Web - Layers - Different API Gateway for Different Types of Frontend

Works on Filter Based Design Pattern

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