Showing posts with label Spring Cloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring Cloud. Show all posts

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Javabrains POC - Microservices - Part 2 [ Netflix OSS]

Spring Cloud Azure
Spring Cloud for Amazon Web Services
Spring Cloud GCP
Spring Cloud Netflix [Ribbon, Feign, Eureka]
Spring Cloud Kubernetes
Spring Cloud Gateway
Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker
Spring Cloud Config
Spring Cloud OpenFeign
Spring Cloud Consul
Spring Cloud Vault
Spring Cloud Zookeeper

Spring Cloud Netflix OSS 
Feign - Declarative HTTP Client
Eureka - Service Register and Discovery
Ribbon - Client Side Load Balancing
Hytrix - Fault Tolerance Library

Spring Cloud Netflix features:

  • Service Discovery: Eureka instances can be registered and clients can discover the instances using Spring-managed beans

  • Service Discovery: an embedded Eureka server can be created with declarative Java configuration

  • Circuit Breaker: Hystrix clients can be built with a simple annotation-driven method decorator

  • Circuit Breaker: embedded Hystrix dashboard with declarative Java configuration

  • Declarative REST Client: Feign creates a dynamic implementation of an interface decorated with JAX-RS or Spring MVC annotations

  • Client Side Load Balancer: Ribbon

  • External Configuration: a bridge from the Spring Environment to Archaius (enables native configuration of Netflix components using Spring Boot conventions)

  • Router and Filter: automatic registration of Zuul filters, and a simple convention over configuration approach to reverse proxy creation


Release TrainBoot Version

2020.0.x aka Ilford



2.2.x, 2.3.x (Starting with SR5)










This is happening because http://microservice_provider_user/ is not a legal host name.

Don't use Underscore for Hostnames

Using Ribbon with Eureka
Use Ribbon Without Eureka



Monday, April 5, 2021

Microservices, Fault Tolerance and Resilience - Hystrix - Spring Cloud

#### Spring Boot Microservices Level 2: Fault Tolerance and Resilience  

Fault Tolerance :- How much Tolerance a System has for a particular fault in microservices
Resilience :- How many Faults a System can handle

Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage