Showing posts with label Fonts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fonts. Show all posts

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Fonts, Web Safe Fonts, Web Open Font Format

Web Safe Fonts 
Arial, Courier New, Times New Roman, and Verdana are common web safe fonts.
These are available on All Machines. 
Throughout the years, there have been a few workarounds to get fonts to display. Some old websites would use scripts that tried to get the user to download a font to use to display the site correctly, but this is incredibly dangerous. 

Web Fonts - WOFF - Web Open Font Format
Then, in 2010, the Mozilla Foundation, Microsoft, and Opera banded together to get the W3C to support the WOFF format. WOFF, or Web Open Font Format, supports a number of fonts and works in that same old method, simply downloading and using the font in the background. However, because it’s a limited and verifiable format, it’s not exploitable by malware.

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