Showing posts with label BlueGreen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BlueGreen. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Types of Deployment/Release 

  • Reckless Deployment - 3 Old --> 3 New ---Full Downtime Required, Old ones are lost
  • Rolling Upgrade - Minimal Downtime, Mutable Servers, Servers Refreshed 1 By 1
  • Blue/Green Deployment - 3 Old, 3 New - Parallel - All Users are taken to New, Old is still kept as such  and in case need arises all users are sent to old one, Here we have exact replica of PROD with old and new both - immutable Instances. we configure reverse proxy to direct to New One and then if anything bad happens we can flip switch back to old one, Its bit riskier
  • Canary Deployment - 3 Old, 1 New - Parallel - 95% Users see Old, 5% see new, So, Basically, Canary is toned-down/cautious risk-averse version of Blue-Green, Here we show new App to few users and verify APP performance and all , If all is good, we go ahead and show more users new APP and gradually all Users are ported to new APP
  • Versioned Deployment - Users Choose which one to use, You have both versions 

1 More type of Release is there - not a typical release though but somewhat similar - A/B Testing
Mostly related to UI /Human Computer Interaction- Here we check which Color/Design User looks better, Which Site brings more users back to site again, Time They spend on each site.

Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage