Showing posts with label Circuit Breaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Circuit Breaker. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Cloud Design Patterns

API Gateway

(Forward)Proxy vs Reverse Proxy
(Forward)Proxy vs Reverse Proxy
Requests Going Out Via Proxy  -> Forward Proxy
Requests Coming In Via Proxy  -> Reverse Proxy
Reverse Proxy - Use cases : Security, Load Balancer , Caching 
Forward Proxy - Corporate Control, Logging, Monitoring, Cached Responses

API Gateway
Edge Microservice -> Sits at the edge of Microservice Architecture, Very close to user input.
Edge Microservice is also known as API Gateway.
"Zuul" is an implementation of API Gateway.
API Gateway - is a Facade/Abstraction Layer at the very edge of Microservices Architecture , 
which handles incoming Requests

Eureka - "Found it" in Ancient Greek
Archimedes said it!!!
Eureka is a Registry and LookUp Service which allows Microservice to know each other

Fault Tolerant Library from Netflix which Implements "Circuit - Breaker" Pattern
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How to configure SpringCloud Zuul – Routing and Filtering using SpringBoot | Java Techie

Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage