Modularized Source code - Built Separately
Smushed Together -> 1 Deployment Entity
Web Apps became complex
So deploying them as 1 Deployment unit was a challenge
Complexity increased Deployment Size
1 New Guy makes his 1st Commit -> and do we need to deploy whole thing all over again
Monolithic Architecture - "Smushed"
Sales -> Festivals -> Spike Traffic
Scalability for deployment
A small portion/module of App needs to be scaled - Not Whole App
What can be done better here ?
Test only 1 Sub App - 1 Microservice
Scale only that 1 Microservice
Talk to each other -> using Rest
Smaller Mini Applications instead of 1 Big Monolith
2) Technology3) Scalable
1) Architecture - How to Split Services/Where???2) Service Discovery -> Which Services to call ?