Showing posts with label Cloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cloud. Show all posts

Sunday, June 20, 2021

SSL can be embedded in DNS - DNS is Network level , Not Http Level

DNS is LEVEL4 - N/W Layer

HTTPS/SSL is Layer 7(6)  - Above 4

So, DNS is merely Server resolving , it does not know anything at SSL TLS HTTPS level

So, We direct DNS to Load Balancer 

Load Balancer has a listener which redirects traffic internally 

Load Balancer is at TCP Port 80

TCP Port 80 redirects to Port 443 at Load balancer Level

here at LB SSL offloading Happens

PFX File, CER File is issued to "DNS Name " and "Subject Alternative Names" to FQDN of Host Backends

DNS has Record Set Types:

A record

CNAME record

NS record

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Javabrains POC - Microservices - Part 2 [ Netflix OSS]

Spring Cloud Azure
Spring Cloud for Amazon Web Services
Spring Cloud GCP
Spring Cloud Netflix [Ribbon, Feign, Eureka]
Spring Cloud Kubernetes
Spring Cloud Gateway
Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker
Spring Cloud Config
Spring Cloud OpenFeign
Spring Cloud Consul
Spring Cloud Vault
Spring Cloud Zookeeper

Spring Cloud Netflix OSS 
Feign - Declarative HTTP Client
Eureka - Service Register and Discovery
Ribbon - Client Side Load Balancing
Hytrix - Fault Tolerance Library

Spring Cloud Netflix features:

  • Service Discovery: Eureka instances can be registered and clients can discover the instances using Spring-managed beans

  • Service Discovery: an embedded Eureka server can be created with declarative Java configuration

  • Circuit Breaker: Hystrix clients can be built with a simple annotation-driven method decorator

  • Circuit Breaker: embedded Hystrix dashboard with declarative Java configuration

  • Declarative REST Client: Feign creates a dynamic implementation of an interface decorated with JAX-RS or Spring MVC annotations

  • Client Side Load Balancer: Ribbon

  • External Configuration: a bridge from the Spring Environment to Archaius (enables native configuration of Netflix components using Spring Boot conventions)

  • Router and Filter: automatic registration of Zuul filters, and a simple convention over configuration approach to reverse proxy creation


Release TrainBoot Version

2020.0.x aka Ilford



2.2.x, 2.3.x (Starting with SR5)










This is happening because http://microservice_provider_user/ is not a legal host name.

Don't use Underscore for Hostnames

Using Ribbon with Eureka
Use Ribbon Without Eureka



Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage