Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Jira Query Language - JQL Query Examples


"order by key asc"

  1. project = PRJ AND type = Epic AND labels in (APP123) AND summary ~ "AAC*"
  2. project = PRJ AND type = Bug AND reporter in (karan.kaw)
  3. project = PRJ AND assignee in (currentUser()) ORDER BY status
  4. project = PRJ AND reporter in (karan.kaw) ORDER BY status
  5. project = PRJ AND assignee in (currentUser()) AND status != Done ORDER BY key asc
  6. project = PRJ AND assignee in (currentUser()) AND status = "In Progress" ORDER BY status
For #1 - summary ~  "AAC*"  means - summary of Jira having text as "AAC" 
~ means Fuzzy Search

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