Monday, August 30, 2021

AWS Notes - Useful

How do I manage my AWS service quotas?

For all other quota increase requests, create a case in the AWS Support console, and then choose Service Limit Increase.


How Many Types of Backup are There?

There are mainly three types of backup: full, differential, and incremental.

Full - Entire Dataset regardless of any previous backups

Differential - Additions or alterations since most recent full backup

Incremental - Additions or alterations since most recent Incremental backup.


Amazon EBS volumes are placed in a specific Availability Zone where they are automatically replicated to protect you from the failure of a single component. 

All EBS volume types offer durable snapshot capabilities and are designed for 99.999% availability.

At no additional charge to you, Amazon EBS volume data is replicated across multiple servers in an Availability Zone to prevent the loss of data from the failure of any single component.


What Is the Difference Between AWS Snapshot and Backup?


AWS offers 4 basic techniques for back-up and disaster recovery.,

Backup and Restore   $

Pilot Light   $$

Warm Standby $$$

Multisite $$$ (Almost Realtime)

Recovery Time Objective

Recovery Point Objective


Snowmobile - Exabytes level data 

With the new Snowmobile service, AWS said a person could ship one exabyte (an exabyte is 1,000 petabytes) of data to AWS in about six months -- a feat that would take 26 years over a 10Gbps dedicated connection.


AWS Cross-Region Replication (CRR) 

S3 Replication and Redundancy with Managed Services in AWS

"Source Bucket" in diff region same Account

"Destination Bucket" - in diff  Region same account

Add a replication Configuration on "Source Bucket" and it asynchronously copies Objects with or without Tags to Another destination Bucket


Amazon S3 Geo-Redundancy and Replication

Amazon S3, the storage service on AWS, provides two types of geo-redundancy options.

S3 Availability Zones

The first method for achieving geo-redundancy on AWS is by using what AWS calls Availability Zones. Each AWS region includes multiple Availability Zones, which are geographically distant from each other.

By default, the Standard, Infrequent Access and Glacier storage classes on S3 replicate data automatically across at least three Availability Zones. This means that as long as you are using one of these S3 storage classes, your data will be geo-redundant, without any extra effort required on your part. The cost of this AWS geo-redundancy is built into the standard S3 pricing.

The major downside to achieving AWS geo-redundancy via this approach is that the Availability Zones within the same AWS region are still somewhat close together. Amazon is not specific about how close they are to each other, but says only that they are separated by “miles.” As such, they will suffice to protect against disruptions that are very localized, such as a fire or cooling system failure that affects just one server room. However, a large-scale disaster, such as major flooding or an earthquake, could impact multiple Availability Zones within the same region; in that case, your data may cease to be available despite the geo-redundancy that you have established via Availability Zones.

AWS Cross-Region Replication (CRR)


Amazon S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage




Standard                                                           99.999999999%

Standard - Infrequent Access 99.999999999%

Reduced Redundancy Storage 99.99%


8 Coding Challenges and Competitions That May Lead to Money or Jobs





Amazon FSx


Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager


Create an Amazon EBS-backed Linux AMI


SCP : Source Control Policies

Root Account : No resource here

Member Account : Children Accounts

Policies applied here those applied at Individual Account Level at AWS IAM


IAM user limit is 5000 per AWS account.

The default maximum limit is 5000 users per AWS account. Beyond which you need to workout a solution with STS -


Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides fully managed, highly reliable, and scalable file storage that is accessible over the industry-standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. It is built on Windows Server,


Updating stacks using change sets

When you need to update a stack, understanding how your changes will affect running resources before you implement them can help you update stacks with confidence. Change sets allow you to preview how proposed changes to a stack might impact your running resources, for example, whether your changes will delete or replace any critical resources, Amazon CloudFormation makes the changes to your stack only when you decide to execute the change set, allowing you to decide whether to proceed with your proposed changes or explore other changes by creating another change set.


Choosing a routing policy for AWS Route 53


Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration can speed up content transfers to and from Amazon S3 by as much as 50-500% for long-distance transfer of larger objects. 


Capacity Reservation 

Reserved Instances  -  Discounted Pricing - You commit USAGE

Savings Plan - Discounted Pricing - You commit SPEND

There are two classes of Reserved Instances:

Standard Reserved Instances lock you into using one instance family, on the same operating system.

Convertible Reserved Instances offer the flexibility to change families, operating systems and tenancy, but at the cost of a slightly smaller discount


AWS Cloud Adoption Framework

AWS Professional Services created the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) to help organizations develop and execute efficient and effective plans for their cloud adoption journey.


ECS vs Fargate

ECS --->  Uses EC2 or

Uses Fargate


EBS snapshots should be directly compared to replicas as they 


Replication creates a copy of your data which is stored in an identical format as the original

data. Because your replica is the same as your original machine, you can simply power on the

replica for instant disaster recoveryprovide similar functionality


A backup is a copy of your data that is stored in a special format in order to reduce the data

size and enable a full/granular recovery. Backups allow you to recover all or part of the data

from weeks, months, or even years ago. At the same time, backups take up a fraction of the

storage space when compared to the original data size


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