Thursday, July 8, 2021


 docker container run --detach --rm --publish 80:80 --name webserver nginx

docker container run --detach  --publish 80:80 --name webserver nginx

docker container rm <container_Name|container_Id_First3Digit_SHA>

Use -- flags, its a good practice in docker

docker image ls 

docker container logs webserver

docker container top ContainerID|containerName

docker run -d --name mongo mongo


$ docker run -it --rm --privileged --pid=host justincormack/nsenter1

/ #


ps aux | { head -1; grep -E 'mysql|mongo' ; }

ps -ef | { head -1; grep bash; }

ps aux | { head -1; grep 999 ; }


Docker proces is running on host 

docker top mongo 

//mongo is name of container and this command tells us processes running as a part of mongo docker container - top 10 Processes

ps aux | grep mongod



Our friends


docker container run -d -p 3306:3306 --name db --env MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes mysql


Analyse Outside container

docker container top Container_Name

docker container inspect [OPTIONS] Container_Name

docker container stats [OPTIONS] [CONTAINER...]  //if no container_Name , it means all


Analyse Inside container - To know about whats happening in container

docker container start -ai Container_Name   //a means attach , i means interactive

docker container exec -it Container_Name   //t means tty , i means interactive

docker container run -it ImageName              //t means tty , i means interactive


apt-get update

apt-get install -y procps //Install "ps" in mysql - Its having debian


docker container port nginx

virtual network  ----is having a container's port

host port

only host port is mapped to only 1 Container...mapped

A container can talk to other container if they are on same virtual networks


• Each Container is by default connected to - private virtual network "Bridge"

• Each PVN routes through NAT Firewall on host IP

• All containers on a virtual network can talk to each other without -p 

For example :

A network has 2 Containers :-> Mysql and httpd

httpd has 8080:80 

While Mysql has nothing

Mysql can talk to httpd

• 2 Different networks cannot talk to each other they have to go via NAT

• 1 host level port is mapped to 1 container only

• Make new virtual networks

• Attach containers to more than 1 virtual network

• Use docker network Drivers.


ifconfig en0 // Linux based Actual Host machine

ipconfig // Windows based Actual Host machine


docker container port ContainerID

docker container inspect ContainerID 

docker container inspect  --format  "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" nginx


Why its called a bridge network ?

Its a type of "Driver"

because this vpn connects our container to outside physical network through  NAT  firewall


:::::docker network commands :::::

• docker network ls      // Shows list of all private virtual networks with type of Drivers they possess

//bridge is called "bridge" or "docker0"

• docker network inspect bridge //shows containers attached to this network

Each Container has its own IP Address , although they are attached to same Network SHAid

• Network Type has a Subnet": "" in IPAM Config

has many containers attached to it , Each having its own Ip Addresses

 "IPv4Address": ""

 "IPv4Address": ""

"IPv4Address": ""

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Default IP Address of Bridge Network


another network is "host", gives up docker security

attaches directly to host interface


docker network inspect bridge

docker network inspect host

docker network inspect none


:::: Create a new network

docker network create my_app_net

docker network inspect my_app_net 

"Subnet": "",

"Gateway": ""


docker network create my_app_net 

docker container run --name new_nginx --network my_app_net nginx:alpine //New Container

docker network inspect my_app_net // it has new_nginx attached to it

// --network network   flag on "run" command       Connect a container to a network


//docker network 

// docker network connect [OPTIONS] NETWORK CONTAINER

docker network connect --help

docker network  connect  my_app_net nginx          //Attach network to container

docker container inspect nginx      //Inspect container --- It shows connection to 2 networks, now

 "Networks": {

                "bridge": {

                    "IPAMConfig": null,

                    "Gateway": "",

                    "IPAddress": "",


                "my_app_net": {

                    "IPAMConfig": {},

                    "Gateway": "",

                    "IPAddress": "",




docker network disconnect  my_app_net nginx    // Disconnect custom network from ContainerName


if apps are on same host, then you should connect both apps to same network 

Explicit -p is very safe because all other ports are blocked!!!! so its very safe.


docker network create --driver bridge my_app_net


Containers should not rely on IP addresses for communication. DNS Should be used.

Custom Network have DNS Server built into them

default "bridge" network does not has DNS, use --link as workaround.

docker container exec -it my_nginx ping new_nginx

Container Names can be used as - DNS Hostnames , So, if there are 2 containes on same custom Network

They can ping each other using just "Container Names" which are DNS Names

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