Friday, April 2, 2021

IP Address vs Physical Address IPv6 IPV4 Router Classes of IP Address, Subnetting, NAT, Router, Switch, DHCP, CIDR


Physical Address (MAC Address) - Local Scope - 
Its like saying I live at home

Logical Address (IP Address) - IPv4   and IPv6
Its like saying I live at 155, Colonel Colony

IPv4 is 32 bit (4 Octet) Logical Address
0 to 255 , 4 Octets

IPv4 has 5 Classes Adresses

Class A - N H H H (1st Octet - reserved for Network ID)
Class B - N N H H (First Two Octets - reserved for Network ID)
Class C - N N N H (First Three Octets - reserved for Network ID)
Class D - Networking
Class E - Research

Network ID  

Loopback Address

Network Id - 
Multicast Address

ClassAddress range
Class A1.0.0.1 to
Class B128.1.0.1 to
Class C192.0.1.1 to
Class D224.0.0.0 to - Purchased This Network ID 
This is class B
Network ID    -
Host Part - Give it 255 - It becomes Broadcast ID
Broadcast ID  -

No.of Usable IP Addresses
256*256 = 65536 - 2 = Usable ID  65534
2 IP Address deducted for - Network Id and Broadcast ID

Efficiently using IP Address - Use Subnetting
or Use IPv6

Subnetting - Logical Division of Network

Router Has Multiple Interfaces
Router is not a "Networking device" - its a "Inter-Networking" Device
Class A - Wastes Host Part  256*256*256 =  16777216 -2 = 16777214 
How do we solve it  ?
Use Subnets ?

CIDR Notation means Network Ratio

Class A   1 to 126  - N H H H
Class B   128 to 191 - N N H H
Class C    192 to 223 - N N N H

Class A /8
Class B/16
Class C/24

Private Addresses

A -        -   - 10.x.x.x  - 1 Network 
B -       -  172.31. 255.255   - 172.16.x.x -> 172.31.x.x -16 Networks
C -     -  - 192.168.x.x 255 Networks

2 Different IP Addresses : Public and Private
~4 Billion Public IP Addresses 

Router can act as switch - No Internet Connection necessary

IANA  -  Private IP Address 
Not Routable
Not Connected to Internet

NAT  - Network Address Translation

IPv4 + NAT 
NAT Converts Private to Public & Public to Private

Ipv6 does not need Private Address and NAT
IPv6 - Every Single Device will have its own 
340  Undecillion  Ip Address
340 -- 36 Digits after it

CIDR - Classless Inter-Domain Routing - Number of Network Bits

 =  16 Subnets having 14 Host each

Subnet Mask  =
Default Subnet Mask =
255.255.255.   128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
128+64+32+16 = 240

No Of N/w = 2 ^ Bits borrowed from host (28-24 =4)
2^4 = 16 networks

No of Hosts = 2^4 = 16 -2 = 14 ( 2 Reserved for Network Address/Broadcast Address)

16 * 16 = 16 different Subnets(Networks) of 14 Host each

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