Thursday, March 31, 2022


  • JVM - "Dynamic and Static Analysis"

Data Collection and Learning  -> VFunction Agents -  Analyse JVM -> Coverage 

Identify Userflows, Boundaries of Services

Algorithms - Entrpoint of Services

  • "Interactive Platform"

Architect gets an interactive platform which is result of Dynamic/Static Analysis done by agents

RIch info about Services and allows Architect to merge/Split Services

System Creates based on Architect's input - Specification of Service which is a JSON File

  • "Code Generation"

JSON Entrypoint, Parameters, Classes +  Scans Orginal Code  => Automation Engine

creates a new project with well defined APIs 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

GoLang, Go - Links

EKCTL - Command Sheet - Cheat Code

  • Create:
    • eksctl create nodegroup (see note below)
    • eksctl create fargateprofile
    • eksctl create iamserviceaccount
    • eksctl create iamidentitymapping
  • Get:
    • eksctl get clusters/cluster
    • eksctl get nodegroup
    • eksctl get labels
  • Delete:
    • eksctl delete cluster
    • eksctl delete nodegroup
    • eksctl delete fargateprofile
    • eksctl delete iamserviceaccount
    • eksctl delete iamidentitymapping
  • Upgrade:
    • eksctl upgrade cluster
    • eksctl upgrade nodegroup
  • Set/Unset:
    • eksctl set labels
    • eksctl unset labels
  • Scale:
    • eksctl scale nodegroup
  • Drain:
    • eksctl drain nodegroup
  • Enable:
    • eksctl enable profile
    • eksctl enable repo
  • Utils:
    • eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider
    • eksctl utils describe-stacks
    • eksctl utils install-vpc-controllers
    • eksctl utils nodegroup-health
    • eksctl utils set-public-access-cidrs
    • eksctl utils update-cluster-endpoints
    • eksctl utils update-cluster-logging
    • eksctl utils write-kubeconfig
    • eksctl utils update-coredns
    • eksctl utils update-aws-node
    • eksctl utils update-kube-proxy

Kubectl and EKSCTL - Story

  • eksctl creates Cluster using Cloudformation template
  • Cluster is mapped to EC2-Role and it here where we get visibility
  • Each Cluster is mapped to  "Context" in ~/.kube/config File which is a config file used by kubectl
  • kubectl knows what its target vms are or context is.
  • Each Context/Target Nodes can be shared between many different Project by using "namespaces"

Kubectl Context Switch - Kubernetes

eksctl creates Cluster using Cloudformation template

Cluster is mapped to EC2-Role and it here where we get visibility

Each Cluster is mapped to  "Context" in ~/.kube/config File which is a config file used by kubectl

kubectl knows what its target vms are or context is.

Each Context/Target Nodes can be shared between many different Project by using "namespaces"


kubectl config get-contexts

kubectl config current-context

kubectl config use-context <context-name>


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage