Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Monday, November 15, 2021
AWS : Cloudformation : Create LoadBalancer and Domains
- AWS Docs
- AWS User-Guide-Quick Reference
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name cca-cloudformation-targetgroup --template-url s3://cca-cloudformation-template/CCA-CloudFormationTemplate-TargetGroup.json --parameters s3://cca-cloudformation-template/params.json
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name cca-cloudformation-targetgroup --template-body file://CCA-CloudFormationTemplate-TargetGroup.json --parameters file://params.json
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Azure : Mount Azure Storage Blob in Linux Folder : BlobFuse
Blobfuse doesn't guarantee 100% POSIX compliance as it simply translates requests into Blob REST APIs.
Install blobfuse
Configure your storage account credentials
Valid authentication setups:
- Account Name & Key (
authType Key
)- Requires the accountName, accountKey and containerName specified in the config file or command line.
- Alternatively accountName and accountKey can be specified by the following environment values instead: AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT, AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY.
- Account Name & SAS (
authType SAS
)- Requires the accountName, containerName and sasToken specified in the config file or command line.
- Alternatively accountName can be specified by the environment values AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT
- Managed Identity (
authType MSI
)- Single assigned identity:
- No extra parameters needed.
- Multiple assigned identities:
- At least one of the following for the intended identity:
- Client ID (Use this if you are using a custom Managed Identity endpoint)
- Object ID
- Resource ID
- At least one of the following for the intended identity:
- Add Storage Blob Data Contributor roles to this identity in the Storage account.
- Single assigned identity:
- Service Principal Name (
authType SPN
)- Requires servicePrincipalClientId, servicePrincipalTenantId, servicePrincipalClientSecret specified in the config file.
- Alternatively servicePrincipalClientSecret can be specified by the environment value AZURE_STORAGE_SPN_CLIENT_SECRET
- AZURE_STORAGE_AAD_ENDPOINT`environment value can be used to specify a custom AAD endpoint to authenticate against
- Add Storage Blob Data Contributor roles to this identity in the Storage account.
Linux: Delete Multiple Lines in VIM and Search for String in VIM
- Press the
key to go to normal mode. - Place the cursor on the first line you want to delete.
- Type
and hit Enter to delete the next five lines.
The basic steps to perform a search in Vim are as follows:
- Press
. - Type the search pattern.
- Press
to perform the search. - Press
to find the next occurrence orN
to find the previous occurrence.
Friday, November 12, 2021
Mount S3 Bucket onto Linux Folder : s3FS : FUSE - Filesystem in Userspace
An S3 bucket can be mounted in an AWS instance as a file system known as S3fs. S3fs is a FUSE file system that allows you to mount an Amazon S3 bucket as a local file system.
Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual file system to the Linux kernel.
- Install S3FS
- vim /etc/passwd-s3fs [Enter AccessKey/Secret Key of AWS having full S3 Permissions]
- Mount Bucket to a Linux Folder
Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage
The decision was made to block such external HTTP repositories by default