Thursday, September 23, 2021
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
AZURE -204 (23 Sept 2021) - DAY4
- Resource Manager Deployment Template
- Azure Container
- Azure Container Registry
- API Management
Sonu Sathyadas
Azure CLI is installed
1) Create the ACR
2) Enable admin account
3) Login to ACR using
Login to Azure : az login
Login to ACR: az acr login -n name
4) Create the docker image - ' docker build -t imagename:version .'
5) Tag the image with ACR prefix - docker tag imagename:version acrname/imagename:version
6) Push image to ACR using 'docker push imagename'
Instead of steps 4,5,6 we can run a single stepaz acr build -registry <your registry name> --image sampleapp .
az acr login -n kkazcontainerregistry
Clear Linux History
To clear all your history, use
history -c
To delete a single line, use
history -d linenumber
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
AZURE -204 (22 Sept 2021) - DAY3
AZURE Functions ---> LAMBDA
- HTTP Trigger
- Timer Trigger
- CosmosDb Trigger
- Blob Trigger
- Queue Trigger
Consumption Plan -> Auto scaling happens automatically -> Infinite Scaling
App Service Plan -> Cost Advantage, But Scaling is limited by auto scaling by App Service Plan
Premium Plan -> Unlimited Execution Duration,
FunctionsApp is collection of Function
VM - > Azure
New VM
Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage
The decision was made to block such external HTTP repositories by default