Tuesday, June 29, 2021

How to replace a string in file in Linux


sudo sed   's/efs/fileshare/g' /etc/fstab   //Replace content and its temporary

sudo sed   's+/efs+/fileshare+g' /etc/fstab  // Change Delimiter

sudo sed  -i 's+/efs+/fileshare+g' /etc/fstab //-i save changes to file/stream

sudo sed  -e '/fs-face524e/s/fileshare/helloooo/' /etc/fstab //Replace only if lines contain specific string "fs-face524e"

Friday, June 25, 2021

Sort PS output


ps -ef --sort=start_time

Azure Agent - Configure As a Service Linux or Standalone or Nohup &


#Configure it as a linux process and using nohup &


ps -ef --sort=start_time |grep -E 'Agent|run.sh'


#Configure Listener as a service in Linux, It actually, starts 3 Services 

sudo ./svc.sh install    #Creates a symlink under /etc/systemctl/system

sudo ./svc.sh start

sudo ./svc.sh status

sudo ./svc.sh uninstall  #Uninstall Service(SystemD) ,You should stop before you uninstall.

ps -ef --sort=start_time |grep -E 'Agent|runsvc'

ps -ef --sort=start_time |grep -E 'vsts|Agent|run.sh'

sudo systemctl is-active 'vsts.agent.GenpactDigitalEngineering.eks\x2ddev.dev.service'

sudo systemctl is-enabled 'vsts.agent.GenpactDigitalEngineering.eks\x2ddev.dev.service'

sudo systemctl status 'vsts.agent.GenpactDigitalEngineering.eks\x2ddev.dev.service'

#Configure Listener as a service in Linux, It actually, starts 3 Services 

Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/vsts.agent.GenpactDigitalEngineering.eks\x2ddev.dev.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

   Active: active (running) since Sat 2021-06-26 04:12:27 UTC; 17min ago

 Main PID: 27333 (runsvc.sh)

    Tasks: 21 (limit: 4915)

   CGroup: /system.slice/vsts.agent.GenpactDigitalEngineering.eks\x2ddev.dev.service

           ├─27333 /bin/bash /home/eks/agent/runsvc.sh

           ├─27336 ./externals/node/bin/node ./bin/AgentService.js

           └─27356 /home/eks/agent/bin/Agent.Listener run --startuptype service

Remove and re-configure an agent (Not Service) The Whole Agent

To remove the agent:

1) Stop and uninstall the service as explained above.

2) Remove the agent.            [As it appears in Agent Pool]

./config.sh remove  [Enter your credentials.]

After you've removed the agent, you can configure it again.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

AWS : S3API vs S3

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket my-bucket --region us-east-1

aws s3 mb s3://myeucentral1bucket --region eu-central-1



aws s3api create-bucket --bucket cca-product-dev-s3bucket --region us-east-1 --acl public-read

aws s3 sync s3://cca-product-s3-bucket s3://cca-product-dev-s3bucket --dryrun






difference b/w Linux Operators : | || && & > >> ;



  • > redirects output to a file, overwriting the file.

  • >> redirects output to a file appending the redirected output at the end

  • ;: commands separated by a ; are executed sequentially. The shell waits for each command to terminate in turn.

  • &&: command after && is executed if, and only if, command before && returns an exit status of zero. You can think of it as AND operator.

  • |: a pipe. In expression command1 | command2 The standard output of command1 is connected via a pipe to the standard input of command2.

There are more similar control operators, worth to mention:

  • ||: command after || is executed if, and only if, command before || returns a non-zero exit status. You can think of it as OR operator. Please note, that | and || are completely different animals.

  • &: the shell executes the command terminated by & in the background, does not wait for the command to finish and immediately returns exit code 0. Once again, & has nothing to do with &&.

  • |&: a shorthand for 2>&1 | i.e. both standard output and standard error of command1 are connected to command2's standard input through the pipe.

Additionally if you use zsh then you can also start command with &| or &!. In this case job is immediately disowned, after startup it does not have a place in the job table.

Linux : Difference between >> and >

 > redirects output to a file, overwriting the file.

>> redirects output to a file appending the redirected output at the end


FSTAB Format



Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage
