Tuesday, June 22, 2021

TODO 22 June 2021

  •  VEA Vault ??
  • EFS Mount ??      ************************
  • QA  -> Approval  --- JIRA 
  • SSL EWS Hema -   Nihar ***************************
  • Devops Handover CVS --- Atul, Hemang 
  • Amit Yadav - API ???
  • Release Pipeline  CAH Mohsin
  • Mongodb  Service
  • Python SDK
  • Java Lambda
  • How to login to Azure VM ????? 
  • Ubuntu Script  ----> sudo ufw disable
  • Instance EFS Linking  ??? Mount

UFW : Script EC2



Monday, June 21, 2021


amazon s3 - S3: make a public folder private again? - Stack Overflow

Grant public read access to some objects in Amazon S3 bucket

How can I grant public read access to some objects in my Amazon S3 bucket? - YouTube

  • Bucket Policy  &  Tags


Cloudwatch -> Metrics -> Explorer

Explorer -> EC2

Explorer -> Elastic Block Store

From -> InstanceId: i-000528b883bf29b49


sudo ufw status
sudo ufw disable

2 Status Checks
System status checks     System reachability check passed 
Instance status checks   Instance reachability check failed

Note: A stop and start isn't equivalent to a reboot. A start is required to migrate the instance to healthy hardware.

The instance must be migrated to a new, healthy host by stopping and starting the instance. You can wait for Amazon EC2 to perform the stop and start of your instance. Or, you can manually stop and start the instance to migrate it to a new, healthy host.

When the instance is in the running state, choose Actions, Monitor and troubleshoot, Get system log.


By default EC2 instances are not redundant, Redundancy is achieved through using our other services such as Auto-scaling and Elastic lad balancing where you can mitigate around instance failure and make your application resilient of the components that it's running on. 

You have to construct your server stack in a way that you don't care of the entire server goes away. In other words, keep your data in non-instance storage (EBS volumes, RDS, SimpleDB, S3). You have to have the mentality that your "instance" can go away at any time and it won't bother you, because you can click once and start up another one.



AWS_Storage_EBS_InstanceStore_EFS_S3.png (822×1088) (karanawsbucket.s3.amazonaws.com)

Windows UserHome Directory Shortcut %USERPROFILE%

 %USERPROFILE%      in Window     ===    ~ in Linux

Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage
