Thursday, April 1, 2021

Elastic Load Balancer , AWS,Healthy Threshold,UnHealthy Threshold, Response Timeout,Health Check Interval,Ping, ELB

 7. Application Layer
6. Presentation Layer
5. Session Layer
4. Transport Layer - TCP/UDP
3. Network Layer   - Routing Packets based on IP Address
2. Data Link Layer
1. Physical Layer

OSI Reference Model


  • Application Load Balancer - Based on HTTP Header
      •  Allows You to route requests on the basis of HTTP Request 
  • N/W Load Balancer - Very Expensive/High Performance - Operates at Transport Layer (Layer 4)
  • Classic Load Balancer - Supports Layer7(HTTP(s)/Layer 4 (Legacy)


Load Balancer Algorithm

  1. Round-Robin
  2. Least Loaded Server

"X-Forwarded-For" Header  - Tells us about Originating IP

Common LB Error - HTTP 504 
LB Could not connect to Target Server/Database 

7. Application Layer|
6. Presentation Layer|
5. Session Layer|
4. Transport Layer - TCP/UDP|
3. Network Layer   - Routing Packets based on IP Address|
2. Data Link Layer|
1. Physical Layer|

OSI Reference Model|
Application Load Balancer - Based on HTTP Header|
Allows You to route requests on the basis of HTTP Request |

N/W Load Balancer - Very Expensive/High Performance - Operates at Transport Layer (Layer 4)|
Not at Network layer, At Transport layer
Classic Load Balancer - Supports Layer7(HTTP(s)/Layer 4 (Legacy)|

Load Balancer Algorithm|

Least Loaded Server|
"X-Forwarded-For" Header  - Tells us about Originating IP|

Common LB Error - HTTP 504 |
LB Could not connect to Target Server/Database DNS - Elastic Load Balancer - Route 53|

ELB is Region Specific - 1 Region = 1 ELB


ELB is not concerned with "Outbound" Traffic
ELB only concerned with inbound Traffic and can be redirected to registered EC2 Instances
ELB is charged Hourly

If You delete ELB, Then Configure "Route 53" to somewhere else.

Listener listens to  incoming Connection Requests
FrontEnd Listener - Virtual 
BackEnd Listener - Virtual

FrontEnd Listener - Checks for Traffic from Internet to ELB
Backend Listener - Checks for Traffic from ELB to Instances based on port/protocol

ELB Will direct traffic to primary IP address /eth0

ELB - Works only in IPv4
IPv6 is not supported currently


ICMP Protocol - "Ping" Application 
RDP - MSTSC - 3389 port
HTTP -80
HTTPs - 443

Load Balancer is tied to VPC
Load Balancer -> only directs Traffic Its meant for - Protocol its enabled for
Usually EC2 Don't have Public IP 
Internally They Connect via Private IP

Load Balancer  has 3 Imp Components
Listener => Target Group (Health Check) => Target

Listener -> Which Protocol it wants to go
Target Grp -> Grp of EC2 Instances
Health Check - Every Target Group has Health Check -  Hearbeat , If a Node is down - It updates LB regarding this
Target ->  can be  -> IP, Lambdas, EC2
Targets are across Availability Zones

Internet Facing Elastic Load Balancer - Public DNS Name 

DNS Route 53 -> Elastic Load Balancer[ELB] -> EC2 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  = 32-27 = 5
2^5 = 32 Instances
32 - 5 (AWS Resrved) = 27 
27 -8 =19 (8 is kept for Load Balancer) - 

If increase load on ELB, ELB can allocate IPs to ELB Nodes - 8 Nodes of ELB  - For Network Address   - VPC Router   - VPC DNS Server   - Unknown /Future Use  - VPC Netcast

5 Reserved
27 Remaining
ELB - 8 Reserve
Total 19 IP Addresses
Minimum 2 AZ in VPC needs to be connected to ELB -Elastic Load Balancer
LB -> Distributes Load across Availability Zones
Keep Same number of EC2 Instances in all Availability Zones
Load Balancer Keeps track on Health of Instances

Registered Instances has default time period 5 seconds - "Response Timeout"

"Health Check Interval" - 30 Sec - Default (Time between 2 Seconds)
You can set to 5 -300 sec

"UnHealthy Threshold" - Number of Consecutive Failed Health Checks = Default 2
Range 2-10

"Healthy Threshold" - Number of Consecutive Sucessful Health Checks = Default 10
Range 2-10

Healthy/UnHealthy  Instances
Load Balancer monitors health of its registered Instance

Cross-zone load balancing
The nodes for your load balancer distribute requests from clients to registered targets. When cross-zone load balancing is enabled, each load balancer node distributes traffic across the registered targets in all enabled Availability Zones. When cross-zone load balancing is disabled, each load balancer node distributes traffic only across the registered targets in its Availability Zone.
Cross-zone load balancing reduces the need to maintain equivalent numbers of instances in each enabled Availability Zone, and improves your application's ability to handle the loss of one or more instances. However, we still recommend that you maintain approximately equivalent numbers of instances in each enabled Availability Zone for higher fault tolerance.

Ping uses the ICMP protocol to check the network reachability of the device you are checking. This works at a low level and tells you that the device is there and has power to the network interface. Just because something responds to a ping request, it is not a true indication that the service on the device is running but it does help in troubleshooting

HTTP Monitor
The monitor work by looking at the HTTP Response Code for the configured page. If a page exists, the web server will return a status code of 200, which means OK. This is a simple check to ascertain if a page exists on a website.

ELB is region specific - 1 ELB can work with multiple Availability Zones within same region.

ELB can be internal or internet facing

ELB is accessed via DNS Name


FSTAB , Linux

The /etc/fstab File

So far, we’ve seen several examples of the mount command to attach to various filesystems. However, the mounts won’t survive after a reboot.

For some filesystems, we may want to have them automatically mounted after system boot or reboot. The /etc/fstab file can help us to achieve this.

FSTAB File, You have to edit using Vi or VIM editor and enter 6 Fields separated by space and then save it

Make sure You take a back up of current/original FSTAB file

Table structure

The table itself is a 6 column structure, where each column designates a specific parameter and must be set up in the correct order. The columns of the table are as follows from left to right: 

  • Device: usually the given name or UUID of the mounted device (sda1/sda2/etc).
  • Mount Point: designates the directory where the device is/will be mounted. 
  • File System Type: nothing trick here, shows the type of filesystem in use. 
  • Options: lists any active mount options. If using multiple options they must be separated by commas. 
  • Backup Operation: (the first digit) this is a binary system where 1 = dump utility backup of a partition. 0 = no backup. This is an outdated backup method and should NOT be used. 
  • File System Check Order: (second digit) Here we can see three possible outcomes.  0 means that fsck will not check the filesystem. Numbers higher than this represent the check order. The root filesystem should be set to 1 and other partitions set to 2

[root@ip-172-31-58-120 ec2-user]# blkid
/dev/xvda1: LABEL="/" UUID="74fc4c15-c86f-4c31-92f6-0df873546b85" TYPE="xfs" PARTLABEL="Linux" PARTUUID="ed868158-eb4b-43a5-8ed5-8b58aa998193"
/dev/xvdf: UUID="2008-11-19-03-48-46-00" LABEL="CDROM" TYPE="iso9660" PTUUID="4971ec01" PTTYPE="dos"

[root@ip-172-31-58-120 ec2-user]# lsblk -f
NAME  FSTYPE  LABEL UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
xvda1 xfs     /     74fc4c15-c86f-4c31-92f6-0df873546b85 /
xvdf  iso9660 CDROM 2008-11-19-03-48-46-00               /media/census

[root@ip-172-31-58-120 census]# cat /etc/fstab
UUID=74fc4c15-c86f-4c31-92f6-0df873546b85    /            xfs     defaults,noatime  1   1
UUID=2008-11-19-03-48-46-00                 /media/census iso9660 defaults 0 0

Attach Disk, Format File System, Mount Disk - Linux Machine

3 Steps to Add Disk to Linux System
  •  Attach  (Via AWS Management Console)
  • Format (Add FileSystem/Format Disk/Format Volume)
  • Mount (Make new Disk available under a name)
  • Automatic Mount after Reboot - Edit "/etc/fstab" File
  • Find list of all devices attached to  System
      • lsblk -fa
      • du -h
  • Find out which device is unMounted - Device not having Mount Path 
  • FInd out if that Unmounted(Only Attached, Not Mounted) Device is  Blank or has Data within it.
      • sudo file -s /dev/xvdf 
  • Attached Disk can be readonly like a Bootable CD or It can be blank 
  • If The Attached Disk is having no data/raw/blank - Format it and add Filesystem to it , 
  • If the output shows simply data, as in the following example output, there is no file system on the device
  • Use "mkfs" command to create a Filesystem or Format a disk
      •  sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/xvdf
  • Mount the Disk using below command,   mount <Device_Name> <Mount_Path>
      • sudo mount /dev/xvdf /data
  • Once we mount disk on a label, We need to edit "/etc/fstab" file to make sure that When we reboot System, We can mount these disks automatically under specified names
      • vi /etc/fstab
  • Find out <DEVICE_ID> using "blkid" 
      • blkid
3.4. NFS

NFS (Network File System) is a distributed filesystem protocol that allows us to share remote directories over a network.

To mount an NFS share, we must install the NFS client package first.

Let’s say we have a well-configured NFS shared directory “/export/nfs/shared” on a server

Similar to the Samba share mount, we first create the mount point and then mount the NFS share:

root# mkdir /mnt/nfsShare
root# mount -t nfs /mnt/nfsShare

root# mount | grep nfsShare on /mnt/nfsShare type nfs (rw,addr=

3.5. Commonly Used mount -o Option

The mount command supports many options.

Some commonly used options are:

  • loop – mount as a loop device
  • rw – mount the filesystem read-write (default)
  • ro – mount the filesystem read-only
  • iocharset=value – character to use for accessing the filesystem (default iso8859-1)
  • noauto – the filesystem will not be mounted automatically during system boot

3.6. The /etc/fstab FileSo far, we’ve seen several examples of the mount command to attach to various filesystems. However, the mounts won’t survive after a reboot.

For some filesystems, we may want to have them automatically mounted after system boot or reboot. The /etc/fstab file can help us to achieve this.The /etc/fstab file contains lines describing which filesystems or devices are to be mounted on which mount points, and with which mount options.

All filesystems listed in the fstab file will be mounted automatically during system boot, except for the lines containing the “noauto” mount option.

Let’s see an /etc/fstab example:

$ cat /etc/fstab
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
/dev/sdb1	/	ext4	rw,defaults,noatime,commit=120,data=ordered	0	1
/dev/sdb2	/home	ext4	rw,defaults,noatime,data=ordered	0	2
/dev/sda3	/media/Backup	ntfs-3g	defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8	0	0
/dev/sda2	/media/Data	ntfs-3g	defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8	0	0

Thus, if we add the following line in this file, the archLinux.iso image will be automatically mounted on /mnt/archIso after system boot:

/media/Data/archLinux.iso /mnt/archIso udf ro,relatime,utf8 0 0

Once a filesystem is mentioned in /etc/fstab, we can mount it by just giving the mount point or the device.

For instance, with the above fstab configuration, we can mount the /dev/sda2 partition with either of the two short commands:

root# mount /media/Data


root# mount /dev/sda2

4. Unmounting a Filesystem

The umount command notifies the system to detach the given mounted filesystems. We just provide the filesystem name or the mount point following the umount command.

For example, if we want to unmount the previously mounted USB stick and ISO image:

root# umount /dev/sdd1
root# umount /mnt/archIso

We can also umount multiple mounted filesystems in one shot:

root# umount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/archIso

4.1. Lazy UnmountWhen we want to umount a filesystem, we don’t always know if there are operations still running on it. For instance, a copy job could be running on the filesystem.

Of course, we don’t want to break the copy and get inconsistent data. The option -l will let us do a “lazy” umount.

The -l option informs the system to complete pending read or write operations on that filesystem and then safely unmount it:

root# umount -l mount_point

4.2. Force UnmountIf we pass -f option to the command umount, it’ll forcefully unmount a filesystem even if it’s still busy:

root# umount -f mount_point

We should be careful while executing umount with -f as it could lead to corrupt or inconsistent data in the unmounted filesystem.

One real-world use case for force unmounting could be unmounting a network share because of a connection problem.


[root@ip-172-31-58-120 ec2-user]# blkid
/dev/xvda1: LABEL="/" UUID="74fc4c15-c86f-4c31-92f6-0df873546b85" TYPE="xfs" PARTLABEL="Linux" PARTUUID="ed868158-eb4b-43a5-8ed5-8b58aa998193"
/dev/xvdf: UUID="2008-11-19-03-48-46-00" LABEL="CDROM" TYPE="iso9660" PTUUID="4971ec01" PTTYPE="dos"

[root@ip-172-31-58-120 ec2-user]# lsblk -f
NAME  FSTYPE  LABEL UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
xvda1 xfs     /     74fc4c15-c86f-4c31-92f6-0df873546b85 /
xvdf  iso9660 CDROM 2008-11-19-03-48-46-00               /media/census

[root@ip-172-31-58-120 census]# cat /etc/fstab
UUID=74fc4c15-c86f-4c31-92f6-0df873546b85    /            xfs     defaults,noatime  1   1
UUID=2008-11-19-03-48-46-00                 /media/census iso9660 defaults 0 0

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Shred Command- Linux - Better than rm (remove command)

In Windows, When We delete a file, It goes to "Recycle Bin" and from there we can again recover it using "restore", So its not irrevocably deleted.

So, We want to permanently delete it, we usually can use "Shift + Delete"

Similarly, Analogy is when we use shredder in real life to shred paper and then throw shredded pieces in trash instead of throwing crumpled paper directly in trash bin.

For Example  -   "shred -u foo.txt"


shred is a program that will overwrite your files in a way that makes them very difficult to recover by a third party.

Normally, when you delete a file, that portion of the disk is marked as being ready for another file to be written to it, but the data is still there. If a third party were to gain physical access to your disk, they could, using advanced techniques, access the data you thought you had deleted.

The analogy is that of a paper shredder. If you crumple up a piece of paper and throw it in the trash can, a third party could come along, root through your trash, and find your discarded documents. If you want to destroy the document, it's best to use a paper shredder. Or burn it, I suppose, but that's not always practical in a typical office.

The way that shred accomplishes this type of destruction digitally is to overwrite (over and over, repeatedly, as many times as you specify) the data you want to destroy, replacing it with other (usually random) data. Doing this magnetically destroys the data on the disk and makes it highly improbable that it can ever be recovered.


shred [OPTIONS] FILE [...]


-f--forceChange permissions to allow writing if necessary.
-n--iterations=NOverwrite N times instead of the default (3).
-s--size=NShred this many bytes (suffixes like KMG accepted).
-u--removeTruncate and remove file after overwriting.
-v--verboseShow verbose information about shredding progress.
-x--exactDo not round file sizes up to the next full block; this is the default for non-regular files such as device names.
-z--zeroAdd a final overwrite with zeros to hide shredding.
-Shred standard output.
--helpDisplay this help and exit.
--versionOutput version information and exit.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Mouse Without Borders - How to connect 2 Laptops - Monitor- Share Mouse - Microsoft

What it is ?

It shares Mouse, Keyboard and Files Seamlessly
It also Allows ScreenGrab/Screenshot Capture from Another Device
You can connect upto 4 Devices
Its a "Microsoft Garage" Project

It does not Extend Screen or Duplicate it or Project it - Like "Windows + P" -> "Connect to Wireless Device"

Its Almlost like a KVM Switch but in Software - It does not share Screens (It Shares Files, though )

KVM is - Keyboard, Video , Mouse - Switch (Hardware Fob)


The Garage was created in 2009 by a small group of employees to work together on side projects. By 2011, what started as a mini-rebellion had grown into over 3,000 employees around the world, all hacking, building, and tinkering. Truong Do, Microsoft Dynamics AX developer and creator of Mouse without Borders, was part of the early movement, and Mouse without Borders is his side project.

Originally released in September 2011 to accolades from top press outlets, Mouse without Borders has achieved millions of downloads and continues to be hugely popular in the developer community at large. Mouse without Borders is one of the first Garage projects to be released to the public, and almost seven years later is still a top search term for the Garage.

Truong continues to work as a Microsoft employee and remains dedicated to keeping Mouse without Borders ready to go on the latest Windows operating systems.

From its humble roots as side project in the early days of the Garage, Mouse without Borders has stood the test of time and proven that a small project can have big impact.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

What is the difference between Step Into and Step Over in a debugger

Consider the following code with your current instruction pointer (the line that will be executed next, indicated by ->) at the f(x) line in g(), having been called by the g(2) line in main():

public class testprog {
    static void f (int x) {
        System.out.println ("num is " + (x+0)); // <- STEP INTO

    static void g (int x) {
->      f(x); //
        f(1); // <----------------------------------- STEP OVER

    public static void main (String args[]) {
        g(3); // <----------------------------------- STEP OUT OF

If you were to step into at that point, you will move to the println() line in f(), stepping into the function call.

If you were to step over at that point, you will move to the f(1) line in g(), stepping over the function call.

Another useful feature of debuggers is the step out of or step return. In that case, a step return will basically run you through the current function until you go back up one level. In other words, it will step through f(x) and f(1), then back out to the calling function to end up at g(3) in main().

Externalisation of Reloadable Properties Spring Application 
.setBasename(String Full_Filepath_of_Properties_Files_Without_Prefix)

SetBaseName/SetBaseNames- Sets Filepath without extension
You can add Multiple Filepaths as well

getMessage(String key, PlaceHolder Args, Locale)
Load resource from the application root folder

Load resource from classpath

Load resource from the filesystem

Load resource from URL"


A file URI takes the form of



Here are two Unix examples pointing to the same /etc/fstab file:



Here are some examples which may be accepted by some applications on Windows systems, referring to the same, local file c:\WINDOWS\clock.avi


where host is the fully qualified domain name of the system on which the path is accessible, and path is a hierarchical directory path of the form directory/directory/.../name. If host is omitted, it is taken to be "localhost", the machine from which the URL is being interpreted. Note that when omitting host, the slash is not omitted (while "file:///foo.txt" is valid, "file://foo.txt" is not, although some interpreters manage to handle the latter).

RFC 3986 includes additional information about the treatment of ".." and "." segments in URIs.


@Bean @Scope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_SINGLETON)

public ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSourceWrapper reloadableResourceBundleMessageSource(String externalFilePath) { ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource reloadableResourceBundleMessageSource = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource reloadableResourceBundleMsgSource.setBasename(externalFilePath);//Full Filepath of Properties/XML , file: or classpath: or relativePath reloadableResourceBundleMsgSource.setCacheSeconds(60);//After 60 Seconds, It tries to validate Cache again - Tries to read file again return reloadableResourceBundleMsgSource; }


public final String getMessage(String code, 
                               @Nullable Object[] args,
                               Locale locale)
                        throws NoSuchMessageException

Specified by: getMessage(...) in MessageSource

Parameters:code the message code to look up, e.g. 'calculator.noRateSet'.

MessageSource users are encouraged to base message names on qualified classor package names, avoiding potential conflicts and ensuring maximum clarity.

args an array of arguments that will be filled in for params withinthe message (params look like "{0}", "{1,date}", "{2,time}" within a message),or null if nonelocale the locale in which to do the lookupReturns:the resolved message (never null)

Throws:NoSuchMessageException - if no corresponding message was found


void setBasename(String basename)

Set a single basename, following the basic ResourceBundle convention of not specifying file extension or language codes.

void setBasename(String basename);

Set an array of basenames, each following the basic ResourceBundle convention of not specifying file extension or language codes.

About message resource keep note:
A plain path will be relative to the current application context.
A "classpath:" URL will be treated as classpath resource.
A "file:" URL will load from an absolute file system path.
Any other URL, such as "http:", is possible too.


//Set the number of milliseconds to cache loaded properties files.
void	setCacheMillis(long cacheMillis)

//Set the number of seconds to cache loaded properties files.
void	setCacheSeconds(int cacheSeconds)

Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage