Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Github and Facebook - OAuth Login and Spring boot


https://start.spring.io/   [Spring Initializer]

Add a New Application ID in Facebook and add its details in Spring boot 


Highlighted Yellow below for Github

By this Spring comes to know where to authenticate , 
Who is requesting Authentication on behalf of User

            clientId: github-client-id 
            clientSecret: github-client-secret

Sunday, January 3, 2021



Modularized Source code - Built Separately

Smushed Together -> 1 Deployment Entity


Web Apps became complex

So deploying them as 1 Deployment unit was a challenge

Complexity increased Deployment Size 

1 New Guy makes his 1st Commit -> and do we need to deploy whole thing all over again

Monolithic Architecture - "Smushed"

Sales -> Festivals -> Spike Traffic 

Scalability for deployment 

A small portion/module of App needs to be scaled - Not Whole App 

What can be done better here ?

Test only 1 Sub App - 1 Microservice

Scale only that 1 Microservice

Talk to each other -> using Rest

Smaller Mini Applications instead of 1 Big Monolith


2) Technology 
3) Scalable 
1) Deployment Flexibilty 


1) Architecture - How to Split Services/Where???
2) Service Discovery -> Which Services to call ?

SPA vs MPA - Single Page App vs Multi Page App


MPA vs SPA - MultiPage Application vs SinglePage Application
Multipage Application  - New Html-File for every Request - PHP/NodeJs/JSP - Server Side Renders Your HTML page to browser - e.g -  www.nytimes.com
Spinner Spins here, everytime.

Reload Icon Does not changes at all - No Page Fetch Happening - "No Spinner" there
1st Time -  Lots of JS, Assests/CSS/Images, 1 HTML Page gets downloaded
There would be never be another HTML Page .
Javascript - Helper Framework - Angular, React, Vue
at each click - It fetches JSON Date - Javascript parses - 
Then JS listens to all activities like click and performs DOM Manipulation

Single Page Application Always Better than MPA ? 
No. Not every time.
Lets consider pros and Cons.

::SPA ::                                                  
SuperFast/Very Responsive/Desktop App - Slack                   
Decoupled Frontend - Styling - ServerSide Code is  just API - not the "Server Side Rendering"
SEO is a Challenge - (Asynchronously Data- Web Crawler)
Javascript is absolutely needed
Older Browser not favoured out of box

SEO - Big Advantage!!! - Crawler Sees , What User Sees
Vast Support , Doc
Slow - Load Pages
Tight/Some level of Coupling of Backend - Frontend => "Server Side Page Rendering"

RPC vs Rest vs GraphQL

  • Chattiness vs Chunkiness        or      Fine-Grained vs Coarse-Grained
  • Resource Design vs Process Flows
  • DataRequired/Schema/Filter - GraphQL [Query/Mutation]  ????
  • Linked Resources ???

False Positive and False Negative


JWT - Json Web Tokens

 JWT - Json Web Token

JWT pronounced as - "JAWT" - Yes, There is 'A' in Sound 

JWT - is Base64 encoded Token

It has 3 parts - Header, Payload and Signature
Its contents are easily deciphered, so no private info should be inside it

Signature needs a key - which is possessed only by Auth Server
So, JWT can not be tampered with
It can be stolen as such as a whole by malicious person 
So care must be taken when we share JWT token


JWT is a Value Token - Whatever is allowed - is written here - Its a "Value Token" - All content required is present in token itself.

JSESSIONID - is a Reference Token - Token refers to some state stored at server.

Azure - Pipeline - Add Approver for Stage
